Thursday, June 26, 2014

RE: Children's Books and Literature- Derrick

Oh gosh, I loved children's books growing up as a child. I still read children's book for inspiration. I was very fond of Dr. Seuss and E.B White. I enjoy reading about fictional magical creatures teaching some sort of lesson. The covers to these books were also really interesting as well. It always used bold colors and big type. As I child I had a imaginary friend so I was really with using my imagination. Some of my favorite books from Dr. Seuss are The Grinch, Green Eggs and Ham, Red Fish Blue Fish...

 E.B White books seemed to open my mind and make me think. Where as Dr, S books were funny and playful, E.B. White Books taught me a lesson about life. It helped me grow and become more mature. Some of my faves from him are Stuart Little, Charlotte's Web and The Trumpet Swan. A part of the reason why I loved E.B. White's book are because some of the books have become movies.

My mom never read to me ;), however, my grandma used to read and sing to me. I don't remember what books she's read to me because I think she just made up her own stories. Stories about her life or what she thought her life should have been like. Lately, I haven't been reading much children's literate books per se, however I do refer to them for design ideas.