Thursday, June 19, 2014

Guilty Pleasure-Derek

Mick Folley is a good choice as a guilty pleasure. I haven't read any of his books, but I've actually seen him at Kings Dominion riding the rides with his kids before. As far as books go, I'm not to sure about anything that I've read that's been a guilty pleasure consistently. I remember my mother tried to turn me into a Harry Potter fanatic, but I wasn't really into those books. But there is one book that I was embarrassed to tell people I read during my teenage years, Western stories.  Growing up my dad and my grandfather would watch Westerns and before you knew it I grew to like them.

I remember one summer on a road trip I decided to read a Western book "How the West was Won" by Louis L'Amour. I had seen the movie so I thought the book would be interesting and I could compare the nuances from the book and the movie. Its the story of how pioneers crossed paths on their journey to go West. While on this excursion they had to fight for their survival and overcome unfortunate events. But through all these unfortunate situations, they succeeded and were considered some of the early pioneers of the West. I remember after reading it, and telling my dad that I thought the book was better than the movie. I had a new respect for the genre after that.

I haven't read any Western stories to much after, but I do read about characters from the time and I do tend to watch a Western movie every now and then. So it was a phase in my younger years that I may pick back up in the near future. Anythings possible.