Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When I think of book hysteria Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey, and The Hunger Games are what come to mind. But since those have already been discussed I started thinking back to my teenage years and what books were popular then. Everyone I knew read Go Ask Alice in junior high or high school. I read it multiple times. It is written in diary entry form and the author is "Anonymous". Reading a teenage girl's diary about her descent into drug addition was incredibly fascinating. Word of mouth in school ensured that everyone read it and it was always checked out of the library. I remember being very disappointed when I learned that the diary was not real and that "Anonymous" turned out to be Beatrice Sparks, a woman who originally claimed to have only been the editor but turned out to be the sole author. It reminds me of the A Million Little Pieces scandal. Knowing that a novel is a true story makes it so much better but I'm not sure why this is. Thoughts?