Thursday, June 6, 2013

Back Down Memory Lane

Since all of us can relate to children's books let's take a second to reminisce. Back in the day I don't remember favoring a book because of its design. At age 4 I just wanted to recognize the character on the front and understand the illustrations throughout the book. Now that I look at my favorite books as a child the designs weren't have bad and the main character is usually on the front cover. One thing I recognize about children's books is their ability to design books that can be reproduced in a series.

I remember having to flip through a lot of books in my early stages of reading and although I can't remember all of the titles I can remember the characters. As an adult, how do you reference your favorite books as a child by their titles, book design, story or the characters?

As an adult I recalled this book by remembering the character. When I googled Bambi tonight a lot of different book covers popped up because it became a series, but as soon as I saw this particular cover I melted. This was the Bambi I remember reading as a child. Do you remember it's gold shiny  spine?
This book was one of my favorites! Today I can reference this book by title and even though it's been over twenty years since I last read it, I can still tell you this story.

I had trouble remembering this book by the title but I remember the book design. So I googled "bear with button children's book" and it popped right up. This book was also one of my favorites and I remember the story mainly because of the illustrations.

What were some of your favorite books before middle school? And when you think about them, what about the book makes you smile?