Monday, June 24, 2013

Great Book, Disappointing Cover

PUSH, by Sapphire

I really loved this book. It's a small book, but packed with a lot...emotionally.  In the beginning, the book is hard to read because the book is written in the voice of Precious..and she speaks in broken English and is speaking in an incomprehensible manner.  Then as Precious' education and mindset changes, the language in the book changes to reflect that.  So I liked that.  This book really made you feel like you were the character or feel exactly what she is feeling.

The book was made into the heartbreaking movie, "Precious."

However, I don't particularly like the cover.  You can't really get a read on what the story is about and I'm not sure if that is good or bad.  It seem to be cheap, but the story is rich.