Monday, June 24, 2013

Re: Tairran

Hey Tairran! I sorta get where you are going with your idea, but I'm not sure if it's working quite as well yet. Can I ask what wasn't working about the shattered glass idea? Was it just the imagery? Was it the type with the imagery? I did a quick iStock look (and filtered the results for affordable images) for "shattered glass" and I saw some that I thought might work. (If you click here you can see the results  but then, to filter, unclick "Illustrations" and "Videos" in the left column and drag down the price bar to one dollar sign). If you really don't want to go with the shattered glass idea then maybe you just need to push the idea of fiction vs reality more in the cover you are working on? I'm not sure how you can or should do that though... Sorry, I'm not sure I was very much help.