Friday, June 21, 2013

Re: e./Nathan/Disappointing Book Covers

Emily great question! I don't remember reading any books with sans-serif fonts, except short stories and some memoirs. So I'd have to agree with Stacy and Lapedra on this one.

Nathan, I'm not sure about the people on the bottom being in different colors. They were less distracting when they were dark blue. I don't think you need the ray anymore if you add the people on the bottom. I personally think you should work off the first version of the man with the heart on his crotch (I really like that one). Just change the T (maybe make it smaller and change the typeface), maybe the pills should be smaller and only in one hand, and although I like the heart see how the cover looks without it (or smaller).

Now for disappointing book covers..

I remember reading this book, or part of it at least in school. The book is about WWII you would think the cover would be more interesting than this.

Published in 1992
Published in 2012
Considering the topic the content in the 1992 version isn't bad at all. It's a shame the book looks like this on the outside because somebody interested in politics or history might be a little turned off by the cover.