Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thank you for feedback

Thank you for the feedback. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to read it before critique. I usually don't read Monday's blogs until Tuesday morning because I'm busy printing. Thanks for sending that link Stacy, I did look at the pictures. I decided not to go with the shattered glass idea because a lot of the pictures look like a bullet went through the window because of the hole in the middle.. and I don't like the feel of that. Then the other pictures can be confused as a spider web. I don't know.. I played with the picture I showed in class on Tuesday and changed the font. I thought this picture fit the story better. I'm not going to do the half-jacket idea anymore because i took the larger squares out to calm the effect down. So now there's nothing to cut. The back of the jacket I left blank...

Any feedback is helpful. Thanks mates!