Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Re: Designing and Crafting a Perfect Bound Book

Bounding a book is definitely something new to me - I have never even THOUGHT about the process of how a book is made and put together, until now.

Before we start binding our books , I also did a bunch of google searches to make sure I could gather as much information as I could to have a good idea of what exactly I will be doing. I couldn't help but think that we are all designers in this program, and crafting is something that probably comes naturally - for the most of us - so it gave me an ease of OK, you can do this, let's DIY my own book.

I found this blog that was very helpful:
DIY Notebook Perfect Binding 

It takes you step by step how to bind a notebook - similar to binding a book.

I also found this one:
How to Bind a Book: a 10-Step Guide

This was helpful because it also shows how to set up your book's template for printing.

I wish I had some tips and tricks to share, but this is a first for me. I am looking forward to everyone else's posts to hopefully gather some more tips to make this seem simpler :)

The video Layla posted was a great, simple DIY instructional video on perfect binding which I also found when googling last week, which is what I will be following when making my book. GOOD LUCK TO US!