Friday, June 26, 2015

Re: Book Series

I didn't know where to start with this topic, honestly. My immediate knowledge of book series is confined to fantasy literature, and that's just not that compelling to me. The other day I was talking to my brother, a newly minted and licensed psychologist, and he mentioned that some of his coworkers were talking about a beautifully designed series of books on psychoanalysis. Google came through (though it's the Portuguese version):

From the website: "The client requested a series of low budget covers with graphic impact that would differentiate themselves from the other books available on the subject. Although the design should differentiate these books from the self-help category they intentionally look accessible for the majority of the audience – professional or non professional."

Bold coloring, and a poetic use of simple punctuation to illustrate complex mental situations. It's almost too derivative, but overall I think this is pretty effective. It reminds me of pamphlets at the doctor's office covering blood pressure and STDs and the like, yet ~100x more aesthetically approachable.

I sometimes wonder if the effectiveness of this sort of design is in part because we are so constantly bombarded by media. There's something emphatic about a bold color and a simple shape that is at odds with everything-is-everywhere modern media.