Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I always judge a book by it's cover...

Even though I KNOW I shouldn't, I always find myself judging books by their covers. I'll admit that most of my pleasure reading books fall under the "chick lit" category. No matter who the author, these books all have very similar cover designs, and I can usually tell right away if I'm going to like the plot of the story. The main illustration is usually of a high heeled shoe, lipstick, a woman in a dress, or a shopping bag. I have to be careful when selecting a book in this category though, because a lot of the time no-name authors try to come up with a witty chick lit story, and it fails miserably. I'm quick to put a book down if I'm not intrigued by the first chapter, so I hardly ever pick up a book by an author I've never heard of.

The pictures above are novels written by Sophie Kinsella. If you've never heard of her or her books, she's a fairly popular author in the world of women's fiction. As you can see, the colors on all of the covers are very bright, and feature similar scripty fonts for the title. I'm almost positive that a guy wouldn't be caught dead reading a book with one of these illustrations on the cover. Which is fine by me, since I like reading them!