Monday, June 20, 2011

Faux Designs

Very nicely put, Jessica. I think the real beauty in a successful book cover design is the ability for the cover and the text to effortlessly mesh. I love the feeling of finishing a book and then staring at the cover and making even more sense of it than I did before I read the book. In this scenario, there is no text, therefore, it is hard for me to fully appreciate these cover designs. I almost feel cheated. How do we know that the artist didn’t just have a bunch of cool designs and then picked titles that fit them? It’s an interesting concept, but the overall idea of creating something in the present that looks like it’s from the past screams “scam!” Kind of like those designer jeans that are all tattered and worn and outdated looking but cost 5 times more than a pair of jeans that are from the actual time period that is desired.