Monday, July 13, 2015

Re: Feedback for Shannon/ Top Two

Shannon -

LOVE this idea, too! I agree with Layla in that that I don't get "missing finger" right away -- it may be as simple as removing the bar/s from the middle finger area so the text and the missing finger become more apparent, since your eye will be drawn right toward that open area? Might let it breathe a little more. Also, I'm not sure if it is just my screen, but the yellow is coming across very orange.

Very cool.

Top Two:

I gained so much from the amount of feedback we got during class - not even necessarily just directed toward me, but everyone's projects. It was great to walk through concepts and discuss what made an idea speak to the core of a book. I have always admired book covers that are well designed, but now I pay much more attention to the front and back matter (I also did not know this had terminology attached to it until this class) and how it flows with the rest of the book. My husband brought home a new book a couple weeks ago and I spent so much more time examining the inside and outside that he began to look at me like a weirdo.

Secondly,  I learned a lot about book designers in general. I had never really given much thought to this genre and the idea that there are whole staffs of people doing this, and only this, for a living. I guess I just kind of assumed it was work that was only hired out to agencies (I'm sure some of it is) but learning about the well known designers, their accomplishments (and failures) and publishing houses was very interesting.