Friday, July 5, 2013

Re: Odd Facts

I was at a complete loss for thinking of anything off the top of my head, but luckily there were still some facts I saw on the internet that hadn't been posted here yet.  :)

The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic was originally known by the title "Incident at West Egg," which sounds like a strange book about chickens, if you ask us. (I haven't read The Great Gatsby yet... I know... BUT now I'm really curious to read it to find out how "Incident at West Egg" is relevant!)

The Tale of Genji
The first novel ever written was penned by Murasaki Shibuku, a Japanese noblewoman. (Girl Power! Sorry Nathan...)

Mark Twain and Harriet Beecher Stowe were next-door neighbors during their lifetimes. Their houses are still open for tours today! (Forest Street in Hartford Connecticut has some serious history.) 

Harry Potter
J.K. Rowling actually has no middle name. She made up the letter "K" (after her grandmother, Kathleen) when her publisher asked to print Harry Potter under her initials. (Who knew? Or is this actually more popular than I think?)

Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, Henry David Thoreau, Rudyard Kipling, Mark Twain, Beatrix Potter were all self-published authors. (This just shows that it's amazing what people can achieve if they put their minds too it.)