Thursday, July 4, 2013

Crazy, cool books

Since Amy's Stars Wars book and Callan's book of maps and legends, I was itching to do something unique with my Huxley novel. (I know that it's completely irrational to want to build, like, an edible book, but this is grad school and what better time do we have to be irrational?) Alas, it was a pipe dream, but that doesn't keep me from hoping for a day when I create something that, as Callan says, will be handled with white gloves like a piece of art.

So, let's keep this easy because its the 4th of July and we're all [hopefully] doing something awesome instead of homework. What are your favorite creatively designed books? Maybe you own it or maybe you just came across it in your searching. I don't just mean that the cover art is spectacular, although it can be. I really mean something completely revolutionary, mind-blowing, or just down right crazy, cool.

Here are a few that I came across in my searching:

This was a direct marketing piece for the Spain release of Disney's The Jungle Book 2. Unbelievable. 

From what I understand, this is just the investment report for a company, but I think its an interesting point that we as designers should be thinking outside the box all the time. In daylight, this book looks like a plain, white journal. When the lights are off, however....
Read more here.

And lastly, this is a children's book titled The Onion's Great Escape. Children's books seem to know no limits.
See more images from the book here.