Thursday, July 4, 2013

Re: Odd and Interesting Facts about Books

There isn't a single "e" in Gadsby?!? Funny that Ernest Vincent Wright has three in his name alone!

I don't really know any wild and crazy facts about books, but I did find these sort of shocking and sad facts on this website. Notable ones:
  • In a 2012 survey, almost a fifth of children said they would be “embarrassed” if a friend saw them with a book. (WHAT?!?!?)
  • Snooki is a New York Times best-selling author. (Although let's be honest, we're all starting to hate her less as of late.)
  • So is Justin Bieber. (No comment.)
  • The last Borders bookstore closed in September 2011. Barnes and Noble, which is battling a steady sales decline, has been closing about 15 stores a year. (This makes me weep. My husband and I spent many a Friday night lazing around Borders.)
  • And the worst: One in four Americans said they read ZERO books in the past year. (Lapedra...)
I also get a kick out of banned books. Here's some surprising books that have been banned at any given time in any given state.

1) Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl (An Alabama school called it "a real downer." Hey! That's my phrase!)

2) The Harry Potter Series (These have been banned all over. How dare we give children a magical escape from the hard realities of life?) 

3) Harriet the Spy (It teaches children to lie, talk back, and curse. Because this book is the ONLY place they would learn to do that. Sidenote: my mother is the biggest prude in the universe. And if SHE let me read this book, it's probably safe for the youngsters.)

4) In the Night Kitchen (Because of the penises, Callan.)

4) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (New York and Colorado called Tom Sawyer "a protagonist of questionable character." I agree. That's why I liked him.)

5) Where's Waldo (Apparently, there's a topless woman in one. Gasp!)

And finally....

6) The Dictionary. (No joke.)