Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's The Little Things that Count

Hi Guys,
I've been thinking about what I would post for discussion this week, and I finally settled on the design of book spines. I know we have been addressing content and concept all semester, but to me, it seems none of that matters if the spine design isn't amazing. See, this week I began to think outside of my designer's perspective and instead thought about what I do when I walk into a bookstore to buy a book, or into a library to borrow a book. The truth is, in cases like these your spine is your first and last chance to peak a buyer's interest. It's almost like selling a house, you have to make sure your real estate looks on par and even better that your neighbors if you want to make a serious sale.

That being said, can you guys post some examples you find of interesting, clever spines that caught your attention? Hopefully this post reminds you, as it did me, to pay attention to minor details in book design, because it really does make all the difference.

Here are some examples I thought were clever or really beautiful: