Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Bible

Just like Jolie, I don't have a whole lot of experience with reading the Bible. I studied it briefly for my Bat Mitzvah, and then again for a Jewish Studies course in college. For both occassions, I used a hardback Bible that resembles a textbook. After browsing through this Bible design blog, I find that the Bible designs that are bendable make me feel a little uncomfortable. I never like bending my silly fiction paperbacks, so I don't think that I'd like to bend a book with such important material. I think I'd feel bad!

I know that this the above image isn't a design of an actual Bible, but I really like the cool design of this religious art. The creator came up with the design by using Wordle, which makes the words that appear the most the largest size. Pretty creative! If I was religious I'd probably purchase one of these.