Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Creative Process (or lack thereof).

I thought about this for a while, and I couldn't peg one. The closest I could come was what I'll refer to the Denoument Method.

I'll get my assignment, get all excited, start researching. I will look at AIGA, Google results, get an idea, excecute it. I tend to go with the imagery first, then I crawl my way to a place where I am comfortable with the text. Text is a BIG challenge for me, and I suspect it will always be.

It looks like crap. I have a critique that I take too hard ( of course).  I have a panic attack about how I'll NEVER figure it out (this is the Denoument, or the height of my process), and then I calm down, and bang out an idea I didn't even know whats in my head. Naturally, having the panic attack is the key to unlocking my creativity. The process is far too emotional, and extremely stressful for me. I feel an ulcer coming on, and I may or may not need a drink just THINKING about it.

Anyways, Here are some covers I think are lovely.