Thursday, June 25, 2015

Re: Series design

I love seeing a set of well designed series on the shelf at a bookstore. I did some searching for ones I have not seen and came across three Penguin series to share. I know several of you said you were (very) over Jessica Hische, so brace yourselves, here she is!

Penguin Drop Caps is a series of twenty-six collectible hardcover editions of fine works of literature, each featuring on its cover a specially commissioned illustrated letter of the alphabet by type designer, Jessica Hische. Each gift-sized book features a foil-stamped case and a decorative color stain on all three paper edges. As a whole, the series design encompasses a rainbow-hued color spectrum across all twenty-six book spines. 

I found two more series by Coralie Bickford-Smith (she was mentioned in a previous post), senior designer over at Penguin. The first ones are covers for the Great Food series. They elegant, homey and thoughtful, using elements from your kitchen over wallpaper type backgrounds:

 An interesting series using color and illustrated, geometric design