Friday, May 31, 2013

Re: The Classics Redesigned Over and Over Again

I absolutely love the cover redesigns by Jessica Hische for Barnes & Noble. They have an air of history to them which is appropriate for such classics. The typographic design, the materials, the foil stamping and the page edge gilding turn the physical novel into a work of art. I agree with Nathan that these editions appeal to a certain market of individuals who love to display their books. If I were looking to purchase a copy of Jane Eyre, I would shell out the extra dollars for one of these editions because it is pleasing to the eye and the touch. I am someone who does display my books and as an avid reader, a full book shelf is a comfort to me.

This past year I purchased a copy of Jack Kerouac's On The Road. As an iconic novel that was first published in 1957, there have been MANY redesigns of it's cover. I choice to purchase the original scroll version partly because I loved the cover design. I think that cover redesigns can boost sales of books by giving them new life and visual appeal. Providing work for designers like us is also a definite plus!