Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Re: The Classics Redesigned Over and Over Again

Stacy great find! I am a fan of anything classy or classic. These books are amazing. Hische's designs for Barnes & Noble, the Word Cloud Classic series, and the Penguin Books' Classic Clothbound series are all fantastic finds. I think redesigns are great, even if the redesign isn't a modern design. And yes to answer your question Stacy, I would sell a book just to buy the same book if the redesign is worthy. When I purchase a book for casual reading I'm usually turned on by the design first, then I read the title, and then I flip to the back cover. So Hana, I think putting that wonderful quote you mentioned on the back cover of Pride and Prejudice is very enticing, and a smart design decision.

People who rely on their e-readers to purchase books are missing out on these beautiful designs; maybe they don't care about the designs. But like Nathan mentioned, if you're into displaying books as well as reading them some printed books are worth buying. Printed books like these are worth buying.