This is very similar to the post I plan to share, but I won't be giving you any spoilers!
Another example of better cover design pre-movie:
What ever happened to reading the back copy? Sure, the book cover on the left doesn't tell me exactly what the book is about, but the one on the right stifles my imagination about what two of the characters look like as well as the dynamic between them. The only way the book cover would have been successful in depicting actors is if Marky Mark (plays the father) was on it. That is my personal bias. Anything with Marky Mark trumps even the loveliest of book design.
I like seeing an image on the cover that doesn't immediately tell me what the story is all about. I especially like a cover design that incorporates an image with major significance and symbolism to the story. I won't ruin it for you if you haven't seen the movie or read the book, but I will say this is probably one of the few occasions where I saw the movie first. I wanted to go out and get the book right away because I always assume the book is better. But I really believe they were both very good, just different mediums. In fact, I was in such a rush to buy the book, I got the crappy movie cover version. Does that mean I appreciate content over cover design? Or even price over cover design? I'll have to get back to you on that one.