Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Trends in Book Design

What other trends have you seen in a given genre in a certain time? Anything jump out to you?

I've seen an increase in typographic covers lately, not that this is a new concept, except that I've seen an increase in typographic covers that are actually done well. Typographic covers span many genres, but one in particular that seems to be emerging is re-designed classics.

Last week, I brought in two books, both of which were rather poorly executed typographic covers. Cormac McCarthy's The Road, and George Orwell's 1984, although, the copy of 1984 that I had was published in 1960, so the bad cover design is indicative of what was in style during that era.

Here are just  two of my favorite typographic book cover designers.

Jonathan Safran Foer's books. I not only enjoy reading them, but the treatment of typography
is organic, unusual, and  I really enjoy it. Check out his other covers -  Jon Gray of  http://bookcoverarchive.com/gray318

One of JSF's newest books -- Tree of Codes is in a whole new typographic category unto itself.


The book is actually a kind of interactive paper-sculpture: Foer and his collaborators at Die Keure in Belgium took the pages of another book, Bruno Schulz's The Street of Crocodiles, and literally carved a brand new story out of them using a die-cut technique.For more on how this book was made, visit

I like the stacking, the textures, the colors, everything about it -- (even the distressed type).
Designed by David Pearson.  http://bookcoverarchive.com/David_Pearson

Some more David Pearson ... many re-imagined classics.
 I love the way the type on Honest Abe's face  helps to fill the contours of his face
