On Wednesday, we discussed in class that there are a few things that come to mind when you think of crime dramas. Bullets, guns, justice scales, gavels, flags, the nation's capital, fingerprints, etc. This is what I immediately thought of when I saw your post.
But I also immediately thought of the vampire craze right now, and how it has taken over the young adult book genre. Whenever I walk by the young adult aisle in Barnes and Noble, I'm almost always certain to find the most ridiculous paranormal romance covers leering at me from the aisle and large promo displays. Always with the same flourishes, dark cloudy backgrounds, purplish and red color schemes, and outdated font treatment. What a treasure trove of bad design decisions for a designer to pick apart, yet I understand why and how these things appeal to teen girls...I am not rolling my eyes at the thought of it, or am I?