I totally agree with Anthony. Finding the time to read nowadays is more of a challenge for me than anything. Whenever I do find the time, the book MUST be an easy read. This is simply because I don't have the time to sit and analyze the meaning of book afterwards. It has to make sense to me right then and there.
When I used to work in DC, I took the Marc train and had plenty of time to read during my commute to and from work. I can recall reading a book my co-worker let me borrow called Deadly Reigns. The book was actually really good, but I don't think it had any design elements that contributed to the easy readability of the book. I'm pretty sure the differentiation between chapters were standard - starting on a new page with a number indicating the chapter. Nothing fancy.
With that said, I don't necessarily believe that the design of the content creates the level of readability. It all depends on the content itself.