I like this cover because I think it is clever how the designer has incorporated the title into the image. I like the use of silhouettes. I assume that the figure on the cover is supposed to be Scout. I can't quite make out what she is holding, it looks like it could be a flower, but it could also be one of the figurines Boo Radley left for her in the knothole of the tree. And if that's the case, it's almost like she's looking up for answers as to where/who these presents are coming from.

As for covers that are not so successful, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to point out little beauty. The first thing I notice is the hyphen. I really don't like that whoever created this cover couldn't figure out a way to get the whole word "mockingbird" on one line. I know this typeface isn't papyrus, but all I can think of when I see it is how much it wants to be papyrus. Is it really necessary to have "Winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Over 11,000,000 copies sold" as a sub-title? I think this information would make more sense somewhere else in the book...perhaps smaller and on the back. The black and orange screams "Happy Halloween!" and even though I know that part of the book does take place during Halloween, I think that's a stretch. I could go on...