Monday, June 13, 2011

Adjusting to change

I must be old-fashioned; I don't own a Nook or a Kindle and my phone doesn't really do anything special, such as take amazing photos or having apps. I'm not against owning any of those things. I would like to have a Kindle at some point. I've looked at one and it seems easy to use and read. So I think it would be a good parallel to printed books.

One thing I'm not sure is whether it's printed books or e-readers that waste more materials. I've heard that it's the e-readers that waste even more natural resources than books, however. But maybe one Kindle is equal to several books, so the Kindle would in fact be more environmentally friendly.

Maybe we can keep our basic information online, and books can become like special treasures or gifts given on special occasions. Besides, most of us probably don't even reread the books on our shelves and they just get dusty and take up space. I guess the big challenge for me is thinking of the e-readers as being as normal as reading printed books, and that may take time.