Thursday, June 16, 2011


I started off very against this new digital platform. But as I keep learning of all of the great capabilities of the ipad, it becomes harder and harder for me to resist the change. I know the word “amazing” is thrown around lightly in today’s speech, but the videos I have just watched have proven to me that the ipad really is amazing. I tell myself every time I see an ipad commercial that I don’t need it because everything that it does I can do either with my computer or phone, but I’m coming to realize that might not necessarily be true. I still have a hard time thinking of books in a strictly digital platform. The “Spot” book that was shown in the Penguin video hits close to home. I used to read those books when I was younger and I have a copy that includes textures. A cut-out in the book’s pages enable the reader to pet Spot’s fur or feel his rubbery ball or touch his canvas collar. It’s small interactive experiences like these that I would love to share with my children and I would hate to see them disappear all together. However, I think I now have enough reason to make some space for the possibilities of the ipad in my life. It most certainly won’t be a replacement, but it has enough advantages that I accept it and am looking forward to what the future has to offer.