Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Feedback Requested: Home Screen

Hey Everyone,

I'm having just a terrible week and couldn't make it to class last night. My dog L.E. has been at the emergency vet since last night because of her eye pressure being dangerously high. She ended up in emergency surgery this morning to try to save her vision. She's out of surgery now but will remain there for the next two days at the least for continued monitoring.

So anyway, I was hoping to get some feedback on my two home screen covers that I came up with. My book is Pride & Prejudice. In regards to the logic, I have settled on how the user will also interact with the ebook. Jen, I took your suggestions of using the various dances, and the user will be able to explore the Meryton Assembly, The Evening at Sir William Lucas's, and the Ball at Netherfield. Users will be able to read through the discourse within these scenes, but also interact further with some extras regarding the actual dances of the Regency period that included the English Country Dance, The Minuet, The Cotillion, etc. and hear music that was popular to this time and that Austen particularly loved that included Scottish folk music by Haydn and Beethoven as well as music by Ignaz Pleyel. There will also be of course the linear read, chronology, and a character map.

I appreciate your feedback!

Also, could someone share the assignments for Thursday?

