Monday, July 14, 2014

Interactive Books- Derrick

Since our last project is designing with an interactive book, I've been spending a lot of time looking at them for inspiration and to really see how they work. I've found myself fascinated by of some of them. Maybe it's because I haven't read many interactive books or because it's so much that can be done with the interactive books. I was thinking how if I really would design one, how cool it could be ;). However, I've found that a lot of the books that I found seem to be built around games. I feel like those kinds of books are taking away from the actual enjoyment of reading the book… Or maybe that's intentional? I'm not sure. But, what do you guys think about interactive books being too focused on games and not so much content? Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the games but I feel like I'm not actually reading the book. I definitely wouldn't retain anything from it, besides the awesome designs.

Here are some books that I've been looking at that worked pretty well.