I've always had this problem that made it really hard for me to be objective about attractiveness in people. See, I think my favorite people in the world are the most beautiful, while my least favorite people are just plain ugly. Since I know it's unlikely that this is true, I just accept that my warm and mushy feelings toward people, things, and animals (baby sloths!) make me look past any flaws and/or creepy sloth paws to find them visually pleasing.
Which brings me to this- do I only read books with attractive covers? (No). Or do I begin to get mushy feelings for good books and forgive poor design? (Probably yes). I also have this feeling that the uglier something is, the more endearing I find it, which is really best for me not to think about, given my very high opinion of myself.
Anyway, I checked over my bookcase, and realized that the only books there that were straight up ugly were my husbands books that I haven't read (which probably plays into exactly what I was saying above, so I'll just move on.)
If I have to be honest, maybe the book that isn't QUITE as lovely as the others is The Bell Jar. This is the edition I currently have:

Like millions of angsty teenage girls before me, I first read this in high school and fell in love. Such ennui! Such madness! But I don't know about that cover. Loving the book as much as I do, I can make the cover fit. I can understand it. Heck, I looked up about 40 different covers for this book, and yeah- I could make them work in my mind. But they're just not what I would pick. Maybe when you really get attached to a story, it's impossible to come up with a cover design that is worthy. Did I just fail the class? I think I need to hand in my design student card for saying that.
Of the zillions of different edition covers that I saw for this book, this one might be my favorite:

And, rant over. Am I the only one that just cannot find fault with a beloved book?